Disclosure Obligation under PDPA

Disclosure Obligation under PDPA

Dear visitor, thank you for visiting the Taiwan the Lucky Land website. In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, before gathering personal data from you, the service will inform you of the following matters in accordance with the law, and if you choose the agree option, it means that you have read, understood and agreed to accept all the contents of this consent form:

  • Purposes and Types of personal information gathered For the purpose of providing various notification services, confirmation of registration information and internal management of the Service, it is necessary to obtain your personal information in the following categories: name, passport number, nationality, date of arrival and flight, date of departure and flight and E-mail or other information that can directly or indirectly identify you.
  • Periods, Regions, and Users of Personal Information Except in connection with international business or activities, your personal information will only be used by the service in the Republic of China for purposes that are necessary and reasonable in relation to the gathering of such information until the purposes are terminated.
  • Rights that the person involved may exercise In accordance with Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act and Articles 16 to 20 of the General Data Protection Regulation, you are able to ask the service for access or review, to make copies, to supplement or correct, to cease collecting/ handling /reporting, or erase your personal data.
  • Effects of not providing personal information f you refuse to provide or provide incorrect personal information, or stop gathering, handling, utilizing or erasing personal information, or unsubscribe from service messages, our service will not be able to provide you with the relevant services for the gathering purpose.

The Consent to Provide Personal Information:

  • I have read and understand the above information and agree to authorize the Administration of Tourism to gather, handle and utilize my personal information to the extent necessary and reasonable for the above purposes.
  • I understand that this consent form complies with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act and related regulations, and I provide it to the Tourism Administration for retention and future verification.
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