Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Dear visitor, thank you for visiting the "Taiwan the Lucky Land"website. Your privacy is fully respected and protected by "Taiwan the Lucky Land". In order to help you understand how "Taiwan the Lucky Land" protects your rights online, please read the following information carefully:

  • About the Privacy Notice Applicable Scope The following privacy policy applies to the collection, use, and protection of personal information involved in your activities on this service, but does not apply to the websites of government agencies linked to the functions of this website. This service is produced and maintained by Trade-van Info Services, which is commissioned by the Tourism Administration. During the maintenance period, all websites linked to this service, whether operated independently by government agencies at all levels or jointly by other agencies, organizations, and companies, have their own privacy policies, and this website is not responsible for any collateral liability. When you use these websites, the privacy policy of each website applies to the protection of your personal information.
  • About Personal Information Gathered
    • This website does not collect any personal information for browsing and file downloading.
    • When using the services provided by this website, such as "Contact Us" or participating in online activities, the service will ask you to provide your name, passport number, nationality, expected arrival date and flight, expected departure date and flight, and e-mail, etc., which are up-to-date and genuine personal information on request, and these data will only be used for the basis of events, user characteristics analysis or academic purposes. This website will not use the information for other purposes.
    • Our service will record the IP address, access time and browsing actions of users on the website, which are used by our service website management for internal analysis of website traffic and internet behavior survey in order to improve the service quality of this website.
    • Our service is obligated to protect your privacy and will not modify or delete any personal information or files without your consent. We will not modify or delete any personal information or files without your consent, except with your prior consent or in the following circumstances:
      • If you violate the rules of the website, for example, if you make abusive or personally offensive comments in the "Contact Us" section.
      • To protect or defend the rights or title of the individual concerned.
      • To protect the rights and interests of all related units on this website.
    • Types of personal information gathered
      • Name of Organization or Department: Tourism Administration, Ministry of Transportation And Communications.
      • Reasons for gathering information:To identify the participants and to perform the lottery.
      • Types of information gathered: Identification category: C001 Individuals identified (name, e-mail address), C003 Individuals identified in government data (passport number); Characteristics category:, C011 Personal description (nationality); Social situation: C034 Travel and other migration details (travel details).
    • Handling and use of personal information:
      • Utilizing period: The period during which the participants' identity is confirmed and the lottery is conducted.
      • The region within which personal information will be used: Tourism Administration, Ministry of Transportation And Communications.
      • Users of personal information: Personal information will be kept by the Tourism Administration during the above-mentioned period of use.
    • In accordance with Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act and Articles 16 to 20 of the General Data Protection Regulation, the person involved may exercise the following rights:
      • the right to make an inquiry of and to review his/her personal data;
      • the right to request a copy of his/her personal data;
      • the right to supplement or correct his/her personal data;
      • the right to demand the cessation of the collection, processing or use of his/her personal data;
      • a limited right of restriction of processing of his/her personal data;
      • to restrict the right to Automated decision making;
      the right to erase his/her personal data; However, if the processing of personal data is necessary and the data is not applicable to the right of erase personal data according to the relevant personal data law, we may not be able to operate and reply; and
    • the right of data portability
      The person involved may freely choose to provide his/her personal information, but not to do so will affect his/her rights: he/she will not be able to use some of the functions of the service. We will not be responsible for any damage to his/her rights or benefits as a result of exercising the above mentioned rights.If his/her request for erasure, please contact us by mail. ( Contact Us )
  • Data Sharing Policy with Third Parties The Service will never offer to sell, exchange, or rent any of your personal information to other organizations, individuals, or private businesses. Except in the following cases:
    • to cooperate with lawful investigations by judicial authorities.
    • to cooperate with the relevant authorities in the investigation or use of your personal information as required by their duties.
    • in the good faith belief that the disclosure is necessary for legal purposes or for the maintenance and improvement of the website services for administrative purposes.
  • Information Security The service uses the following security measures to protect the privacy, integrity and availability of personal information held:
    • Access to personal information must be controlled by identity and access rights.
    • The Service and the organization that collects, processes or uses personal information are under an obligation of confidentiality and are required to follow the company's information security policies and regulations.
    • Our service performs annual audits of the collection, processing and use of personal data and reviews the legality of our internal policies.
    • The network infrastructure has been certified by ISO 27001, and network transactions and private information are protected by high-tech encryption and secure transmission methods, and data are encrypted before transmission over the network to prevent data interception and theft.
  • Self-Protection Please keep your personal information properly and avoid providing it to anyone or any other organization that is unrelated to you. You should remember to log out after using the services provided on our website and avoid sharing your computer or using public computers to prevent others from accessing your personal information or correspondence. Users should follow domestic and foreign laws and regulations when using our services, and are responsible for non-compliance.
  • Cookies Policy Cookies are short pieces of information that a server writes to a user's hard drive through a browser in order to distinguish between different preferences of users. Most websites may use cookies to provide users with relevant functional services. If you choose not to accept cookies, you can choose to reject cookies through your browser settings, but after you reject cookie access, you will unable to use the service normally. To protect your privacy, our service will not expose the information obtained from cookies. Our service will only load and retrieve cookies from your browser for the following purposes and situations:
    • to provide better and more personalized transactions and various services to facilitate your participation in personalized interactive activities.
    • To understand the user's web browsing habits for the purpose of service improvement.
    • If you want to cancel the cookies, please refer to the following links for the instructions of each browser :
      Internet Explorer , Chrome , Firefox
  • Privacy Policy Revision As social conditions and legal regulations evolve or technology advances, our services will use the latest technology and regulations to protect your privacy and personal information as best we can, and we will periodically review our services for compliance with this notice, so our services will revise and post our privacy policy to keep it current from time to time. Each version of our service's privacy policy will be marked with the effective date at the top right, and the Tourism Administration will keep a copy of the archived version of the privacy policy on file.

If you have any comments about our service privacy policy, please feel free to contact us.

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